Cleaning Home

5/3/20 Daily Checklist

Today I was determined to find a backyard pool for the summer. We live in the south, so it’s already getting up in the 90s. I had to go to three Wal-Marts, an Academy Sports, and a Loews to find one, but I finally got it! By the time I got back home, I was too pooped to do much. The weather should be dry for the next several days, so hopefully we’ll get the yard prepared and have it setup by the weekend.

I have a department staff meeting in the morning, so I needed to get my lesson plans done for the last two weeks of school tonight. Before I knew it, I worked for 4 hours! It’s crazy how long it takes to prepare lessons for distance learning. That’s only four activities – 3 google forms and a team Kahoot! review game for tomorrow. I guess I did a little more since I have 20 text messages to my team (not counting the personal conversations we’ve had tonight as well). I miss my team!

I don’t have a green thumb, but I got myself three plants this week. One is a pretty purple hanging basket, another is a pink hydrangea bush, and one tomato plant. If I can keep them alive, I may add more in a couple of weeks. My husband reminded me that I still have to water them every day. Doh! I’m adding that to my daily checklist so I don’t forget.

  • No dishes to empty, too few to run last night
  • Watered my plants outside
  • Started dishwasher before bed
Cleaning Home

5/1/20 Daily Checklist

Several years ago, I started following the Fly Lady to help me learn how to get my house out of CHAOS and keep it clean. The one thing that I have maintained since then is making my bed every morning when I get up. Even if the rest of my bedroom is messy, at least my bed is straight. I don’t make it perfectly mind you, but it’s neat and ready for bed at night.

I need to develop some better cleaning habits for my house. I know from past experience that if I try to do too many new things at once, nothing will stick. So this week, I’m going to focus on one new habit – DISHES. I’ve already talked to the boys. I will start the dishwasher before I go to bed, and I will empty it in the morning. They just need to put their dishes in the dishwasher – not on the counter, not in the sink, not left on the table or in their bedrooms, IN THE DISHWASHER.

  • Made bed
  • Emptied dishwasher while coffee brewed
  • Started dishwasher before bed