I started this blog originally to support teachers. Many times we are excellent caregivers, but we don’t always take very good care of ourselves. I’ve decided to add some additional categories for the time being at least. Now that most schools are closed for in-person learning, many of us are in survival mode. I know that I’ve been on Facebook more since March than ever before in my life. I look for positive posts, funny pictures and stories, and other such things to help myself to cope with life’s uncertainties right now. I try to ignore or scroll past the petty, ignorant, or just plain mean things that are they.
One of the new groups I joined includes thousands of teachers across the country. We are supporting each other, sharing resources, laughing together, and sometimes crying together. Teachers, we are not in the alone. We are all weathering the same storm. Our ship may be different, but we are all trying to make the best of this crazy situation we are living in right now.
I’ve wanted to write for a long time. I am lucky enough to be a writing teacher, but I never seem to make time for my own writing. I decided it’s time for me to make time. If I don’t do it now when I’m forced to be at home, I’ll never make the time to do it.
This blog may never get read, and I feel like I’m rambling on a bit right now. I have so many ideas that I want to share. Facebook is great, but as you may be able to tell, I like to write. I also need to get my house in order. I have this platform already set up for my travel blog, so I might as well use it right?
Decluttering and Organizing
I have too much clutter, not enough energy to clean, and I’m a bit overwhelmed with it all. I’m gearing up this weekend to focus on my Organize 365’s 100 Day Program. I used this system last summer to take back control of my kitchen and master bedroom. That’s as far as I got when my dad passed away. I spent the rest of my summer helping my mom get her house in order and settle his estate. Without Lisa and this program, I never would have gotten through the summer with my sanity.
Cleaning House
I recently heard about a blog called “A Slob Comes Clean“. I’ve listened to a couple of her podcasts now (I’m a podcast addict), so I finally started reading her blog this weekend. One of the things she did in the beginning was post her daily checklist. They’re short and to the point about what things she did to clean her house each day. If it worked for her (accountability, not fame and fortune), it can work for me. I need some way to keep myself accountable. My 100 Day Program has its own built-in accountability, but it doesn’t really address housekeeping.
Teacher Tips
As I come up with an idea or find something online that I have tried, I’ll try to post something here as well. I’ve already shared my email system in another post.